Basilicata roccaforte della Lontra...
Ha dello straordinario la notizia diffusa qualche giorno fa dal WWF Basilicata...
Mercoledì mattina, grazie alla segnalazione di un appassionato è stato scoperto un laghetto dove nuotavano tranquilli ben tre esemplari adulti di Lontra.
Nella Our region is not new, even traces of otter can be found easily along the river Agri Sinni etc. But see this cute animal so close and so comfortable is really incredible.
And then finally we talk about the sighting of animals that play free and happy, and not the usual finding of corpses on the roadside. The otter is present despite a significant population along the Agri River is extremely difficult to spot.
The sighting was filmed and photographed by my friend Remo Bartolomei (WWF secretary Basilicata), which after hearing the news, it was immediately catapulted to check on the spot la veridicità della segnalazione. Ed ha dimostrato che era tutto vero...
(Fonte WWF Basilicata)
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