... with a little 'late ...
Today is November 4. It 's the birthday of my brother. It's raining outside but it's hot. "South wind blows," says Albi. In an hour I have to go get Olmo kindergarten. I put a bit 'jazz, I prepare a cup of coffee and think about two weeks ago when we were alone in the sea, sailing in a small paradise: the islands of Kornati.
Here in Germany the school calendar is a bit 'different than the Italian. As the summer holidays very short, lasting about six weeks, are planned for other small IODI holiday distributed throughout the year. These were the Herbstferien (autumn holiday), long two weeks and we thought it best to take advantage of the recent warm periods in the Mediterranean for a holiday on a sailing boat.
We started with the legendary pickup truck, loaded with supplies, games and everything you need. We went through Germany, Austria and Slovenia apologize. The outward journey took two days and we've been sad in a motel on the highway near Regensburg, a typical place for truck drivers with the gas station and restaurant that produces sausage and chips. We arrived in Zadar the next day that it was dark and there we took the ferry to the island of Ugljan , where we waited Picollo (but wanted to write Little did wrong), a boat Elan34, the Marine Berth Preko. We were dead tired, especially books that had driven for 1450 km. We went to bed early. In the cabin we have placed in me and Nina and a stern cabin Albi and Olmo. Soon the cabin of the males has become a place messy and unworkable, while that of females we have remained orderly and clean for the whole holiday.
On waking we were acco lti by a beautiful blue sky. The sun shone and warmed in a summer ' Summer is not over yet. For us, we came to Berlin was a nice change. In the afternoon the children were already playing naked on the shore. To celebrate we had dinner in a restaurant on the sea, and we immediately debunked two myths Croatian:
1. that are not nice people.
2. that are not good cooks.
We had dinner with fish and everything was delicious and we left with hugs and kisses greeted by the owner, a very nice woman and very sweet. The next day he arrived on time our skipper, Bobby, a man about 50 years, with two big hands like shovels . A grown man at sea, sailing as a child with his father. He taught us many things and told us many of his adventures, he sailed around the Mediterranean, North Sea and Atlantic Ocean as the skipper, transporter and racing. The hardest in which he participated and the Route de L'Equateur, Congo Matondo from Marseille to Pointe Noire in Congo, 4,500 miles non-stop at maximum speed, always attached at the helm, sleeping little and eat up bars only do energy and dry soups for nearly 30 days. As he put it "adrenaline."
Bobi has accompanied us on our journey and being very knowledgeable of the place, (he was born in Zadar and still lives there), we helped discover the most beautiful archipelago. Kornati is an archipelago with more than 100 islands and the 80 is a natural park. Without water or electricity, are now all uninhabited, except for the bay of the island Stiniva Crowned unusual where we live two brothers that I will talk soon. In summer move here the owners of restaurants scattered around the various islands, many of whom raise sheep and have olive groves. In October, we have not met hardly anyone, most restaurants were closed without any problems and moored to their docks. Every morning after waking, breakfast, and boat Rassetto un po’ di gioco a terra, che soprattutto Olmo ne aveva molto bisogno ( mettere Olmo in una barca è un po’ come mettere una tigre in una gabbia) prendevamo il portolano e decidevamo verso quali nuovi lidi salpare, dopo aver valutato le previsioni meteo, che facevano da padrone, in un periodo dell’anno totalmente imprevedibile come ottobre, dove un giorno fa caldissimo e c’è calma piatta e il giorno seguente arrivano 40 nodi di bora, pioggia e un freddo pazzesco. Bisognava restare attent i e ben informati. Certo con Bobi a bordo noi potevamo stare sicuri, conosceva perfettamente ogni baia e sapeva per ogni circostanza quale era il posto migliore in cui stare. Metereologicamente parlando siamo stati abbastanza fortunati, Bobi although he insisted by saying that this is a rather cold and rainy autumn than normal. We found warm and sunny days, calm seas that seemed oil, light winds and, unfortunately, completely absent from obligation to smot pray. We have seen the bora blowing angry, bringing loads of rain and clouds forced to find safe haven in a big sea outside the archipelago. One evening we found ourselves in the midst of a storm, thunder, lightning and hail. I thought the tree and the possibility of being struck by lightning, Nina laughed and enjoyed the spectacle from the deck hatch, Olmo hugged her frightened mouse under the covers and thought Albi to our mooring, resistance peaks and the possibility that when we wake we could find adrift.
Two weeks have gone fast. We managed to see many places and convince us that surely will come back soon to see even more of this magical place, he knows to be hostile and friendly at the same time, with its barren islands and rocky but rich in quiet corners and well protected . In October, tourists and sailors were almost all gone, every place was practically a paradise just for us and we had not shared with anyone. Most of the restaurants were closed or , there was just a fisherman, but soon all would return to their families on the mainland. One evening we cenato a casa di uno loro, un vecchietto più che settantenne con la pelle consumata dal sole, un amico di Bobi che ci ha gentilissimamente offerto calamari appena pescati bolliti con le patate, buon vino, grappa e addirittura uno squisito dolce al cioccolato, per la gioia di Nina e Olmo. Siamo tornati in barca sorridenti, sazi e ubriachi.
Siamo anche andati a trovare gli unici due veri abitanti dell’arcipelago, quei due fratelli capelloni di cui accennavo prima. Anche loro hanno un piccolo ristorante, situato in una baia stretta e stupenda, circ ondata da alte rocce e bagnata da acqua di colore azzurro incredibile. Loro passano l’intero anno sull’isola Incoronata, anzi direi l’intera life, have a boat with which they reach the mainland to refuel with food and necessary, but are not fishermen. In their restaurant to eat a single dish: lamb under a baking lid of Dalmatia, the typical dish of these parties is prepared at home when there are guests and we cook in the fireplace, which usually have all out in the yard. This dinner is an experience of indescribable deliciousness that I highly recommend to all who pass by here, the meat is incredibly good, tender and tasty and rise from the table before you have eaten all you can not even really licking their fingers and mustache . But what is Peka I still have not explained. Basically the lamb is done in small pieces and placed in a pan with onions Patat ee, then it is just covered with Peka, which is a big cover and everything is completely covered from the embers and left to cook for about two hours. You should never lift the Peka, except once halfway through cooking, to reshoot all the pieces of meat. I know that you are using other types of meat and vegetables. It was one of the most delicious meals of my life, Nina has also admitted, and we must not forget that Nina does not eat practically anything.
Every night we slept in a different place, they arrive in the afternoon and we stretch my legs and explore the surroundings by playing a little 'i ba Mbini, who, with their swords were pirates in search of hidden treasure. We also visited some small islands adjacent to the archipelago, which are also very attractive, where there were small towns and were unable to find a shop to buy food and especially beer, which is essential for in our skippers almost never drank water in two weeks . One night we slept in Sibenik, we were the only boat moored at the pier city, just steps from the beautiful cathedral of St. James. We took advantage of the great market on Saturday to do and we sailed galley full of good things to eat: cheese, wine, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. From there we went up the river Krka and we Skradin arrived at a cute country with a beautiful marina surrounded by trees yellowed dall'utunno that made the atmosphere particularly melancholy. The river was full of 'mussel farms and we bought a few pounds. We had a huge fresh mussel with pepper and giants. One day we saw dolphins, Elm unfortunately slept but Nina has been energized for hours because she was just in sight.
So it was a wonderful vacation full of adventure .. We sailed and learned many things. Bobby was a master precious know. The children were very good and have a great time. Books and I have done a bit 'of experience and exercise .... We can not wait to sail again! Fair winds to all!!
Here in Germany the school calendar is a bit 'different than the Italian. As the summer holidays very short, lasting about six weeks, are planned for other small IODI holiday distributed throughout the year. These were the Herbstferien (autumn holiday), long two weeks and we thought it best to take advantage of the recent warm periods in the Mediterranean for a holiday on a sailing boat.
We started with the legendary pickup truck, loaded with supplies, games and everything you need. We went through Germany, Austria and Slovenia apologize. The outward journey took two days and we've been sad in a motel on the highway near Regensburg, a typical place for truck drivers with the gas station and restaurant that produces sausage and chips. We arrived in Zadar the next day that it was dark and there we took the ferry to the island of Ugljan , where we waited Picollo (but wanted to write Little did wrong), a boat Elan34, the Marine Berth Preko. We were dead tired, especially books that had driven for 1450 km. We went to bed early. In the cabin we have placed in me and Nina and a stern cabin Albi and Olmo. Soon the cabin of the males has become a place messy and unworkable, while that of females we have remained orderly and clean for the whole holiday.
On waking we were acco lti by a beautiful blue sky. The sun shone and warmed in a summer ' Summer is not over yet. For us, we came to Berlin was a nice change. In the afternoon the children were already playing naked on the shore. To celebrate we had dinner in a restaurant on the sea, and we immediately debunked two myths Croatian:
1. that are not nice people.
2. that are not good cooks.
We had dinner with fish and everything was delicious and we left with hugs and kisses greeted by the owner, a very nice woman and very sweet. The next day he arrived on time our skipper, Bobby, a man about 50 years, with two big hands like shovels . A grown man at sea, sailing as a child with his father. He taught us many things and told us many of his adventures, he sailed around the Mediterranean, North Sea and Atlantic Ocean as the skipper, transporter and racing. The hardest in which he participated and the Route de L'Equateur, Congo Matondo from Marseille to Pointe Noire in Congo, 4,500 miles non-stop at maximum speed, always attached at the helm, sleeping little and eat up bars only do energy and dry soups for nearly 30 days. As he put it "adrenaline."
Bobi has accompanied us on our journey and being very knowledgeable of the place, (he was born in Zadar and still lives there), we helped discover the most beautiful archipelago. Kornati is an archipelago with more than 100 islands and the 80 is a natural park. Without water or electricity, are now all uninhabited, except for the bay of the island Stiniva Crowned unusual where we live two brothers that I will talk soon. In summer move here the owners of restaurants scattered around the various islands, many of whom raise sheep and have olive groves. In October, we have not met hardly anyone, most restaurants were closed without any problems and moored to their docks. Every morning after waking, breakfast, and boat Rassetto un po’ di gioco a terra, che soprattutto Olmo ne aveva molto bisogno ( mettere Olmo in una barca è un po’ come mettere una tigre in una gabbia) prendevamo il portolano e decidevamo verso quali nuovi lidi salpare, dopo aver valutato le previsioni meteo, che facevano da padrone, in un periodo dell’anno totalmente imprevedibile come ottobre, dove un giorno fa caldissimo e c’è calma piatta e il giorno seguente arrivano 40 nodi di bora, pioggia e un freddo pazzesco. Bisognava restare attent i e ben informati. Certo con Bobi a bordo noi potevamo stare sicuri, conosceva perfettamente ogni baia e sapeva per ogni circostanza quale era il posto migliore in cui stare. Metereologicamente parlando siamo stati abbastanza fortunati, Bobi although he insisted by saying that this is a rather cold and rainy autumn than normal. We found warm and sunny days, calm seas that seemed oil, light winds and, unfortunately, completely absent from obligation to smot pray. We have seen the bora blowing angry, bringing loads of rain and clouds forced to find safe haven in a big sea outside the archipelago. One evening we found ourselves in the midst of a storm, thunder, lightning and hail. I thought the tree and the possibility of being struck by lightning, Nina laughed and enjoyed the spectacle from the deck hatch, Olmo hugged her frightened mouse under the covers and thought Albi to our mooring, resistance peaks and the possibility that when we wake we could find adrift.
Two weeks have gone fast. We managed to see many places and convince us that surely will come back soon to see even more of this magical place, he knows to be hostile and friendly at the same time, with its barren islands and rocky but rich in quiet corners and well protected . In October, tourists and sailors were almost all gone, every place was practically a paradise just for us and we had not shared with anyone. Most of the restaurants were closed or , there was just a fisherman, but soon all would return to their families on the mainland. One evening we cenato a casa di uno loro, un vecchietto più che settantenne con la pelle consumata dal sole, un amico di Bobi che ci ha gentilissimamente offerto calamari appena pescati bolliti con le patate, buon vino, grappa e addirittura uno squisito dolce al cioccolato, per la gioia di Nina e Olmo. Siamo tornati in barca sorridenti, sazi e ubriachi.
Siamo anche andati a trovare gli unici due veri abitanti dell’arcipelago, quei due fratelli capelloni di cui accennavo prima. Anche loro hanno un piccolo ristorante, situato in una baia stretta e stupenda, circ ondata da alte rocce e bagnata da acqua di colore azzurro incredibile. Loro passano l’intero anno sull’isola Incoronata, anzi direi l’intera life, have a boat with which they reach the mainland to refuel with food and necessary, but are not fishermen. In their restaurant to eat a single dish: lamb under a baking lid of Dalmatia, the typical dish of these parties is prepared at home when there are guests and we cook in the fireplace, which usually have all out in the yard. This dinner is an experience of indescribable deliciousness that I highly recommend to all who pass by here, the meat is incredibly good, tender and tasty and rise from the table before you have eaten all you can not even really licking their fingers and mustache . But what is Peka I still have not explained. Basically the lamb is done in small pieces and placed in a pan with onions Patat ee, then it is just covered with Peka, which is a big cover and everything is completely covered from the embers and left to cook for about two hours. You should never lift the Peka, except once halfway through cooking, to reshoot all the pieces of meat. I know that you are using other types of meat and vegetables. It was one of the most delicious meals of my life, Nina has also admitted, and we must not forget that Nina does not eat practically anything.
Every night we slept in a different place, they arrive in the afternoon and we stretch my legs and explore the surroundings by playing a little 'i ba Mbini, who, with their swords were pirates in search of hidden treasure. We also visited some small islands adjacent to the archipelago, which are also very attractive, where there were small towns and were unable to find a shop to buy food and especially beer, which is essential for in our skippers almost never drank water in two weeks . One night we slept in Sibenik, we were the only boat moored at the pier city, just steps from the beautiful cathedral of St. James. We took advantage of the great market on Saturday to do and we sailed galley full of good things to eat: cheese, wine, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. From there we went up the river Krka and we Skradin arrived at a cute country with a beautiful marina surrounded by trees yellowed dall'utunno that made the atmosphere particularly melancholy. The river was full of 'mussel farms and we bought a few pounds. We had a huge fresh mussel with pepper and giants. One day we saw dolphins, Elm unfortunately slept but Nina has been energized for hours because she was just in sight.
So it was a wonderful vacation full of adventure .. We sailed and learned many things. Bobby was a master precious know. The children were very good and have a great time. Books and I have done a bit 'of experience and exercise .... We can not wait to sail again! Fair winds to all!!
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