Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Used Fleeceworks Half Pad For Sale


Once again we are forced to talk about gadgets and other tricks that people use regularly to ward off wildlife from their gardens , especially wild boar.

in recent years in fashion a device very annoying, and useless which caused many complaints, as jeopardizes not only the fauna but also to residents and tourists of the park.

The device in question is a kind of compressed-air gun that simulates the firing of a gun. The rap is very similar to that of a firearm and there is clearly also a kilometer away. This type of devices within the Park and even more near the villages are completely outside the law, in fact:

  • these devices give off a continuous beep, every 5 - 10 minutes (less) 24 hours on 24; Rap and suddenly is heard distinctly in the range of over 1000 meters. In some cases these devices are located near population centers, and therefore adversely affect the sleep and rest of residents and tourists visiting the protected area, thus violating the regulations on noise (DPCM 01.03.1991, under Law No 447/95 and subsequent amendments).
  • And yet such systems are not in line with environmental protection policies that apply within the protected area, in this case Art. 3 - Attachment A (provided by art. 1, paragraph 5) of Presidential Decree 12.8.2007 (OJ No. 55 of 03.05.2008), states the following: are prohibited throughout the National Park Appennino Lucano - Val d'Agri-Lagonegrese, the following activities': a) the capture, killing, damage and disturbance of the animal species except as performed for the purposes of research and study prior authorization of the Park.

So we hope that the Park Authority put in place as soon as necessary and are responsible for the removal of these devices.


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