Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In The Army And Got A Dui

Birdwatching sulla Murgia of San Lorenzo - National Park Appennino Lucano

Taking advantage of these sunny days of late summer, the CSN Nyctalus organized a short afternoon walk in one of the most beautiful of National Park Appennino Lucano , namely SIC Murgia San Lorenzo.

Despite the hot day, a pleasant breeze blew on the hill that took us all afternoon. The landscape is very beautiful and also the road that leads us in Matine Location is very suggestive. SS 598 from the expressway, it follows the river for several kilometers Racanelli, then climb the steep hill leading to the Murgia, surrounded by cultivated fields, orchards and olive groves. The margins of the road are covered by a thick forest and huge oak trees. On top of the hill we are fascinated by that repsira in the woods of the title, a beautiful specimens Cerreta with more than twenty meters high. The forest is crossed only in part and in no time we are thrown in the wide plateau of the Murgia of St. Lawrence. Once there, we parked the car and tried a good place to lurk. The trip allowed us to observe numerous species of birds, especially sparrows, but the ones most all have captured our attention were some of the Raptors.

obviously just arrived wheeling over our heads we saw a Red Kite and a buzzard. But the most pleasant surprise was seeing a bunch of Kestrels who hunted undisturbed in a field of alfalfa.
What was very interesting and allowed us to enjoy the flight and hunting techniques of these hawks.

I Gheppi nonostante ci trovassimo a meno di 30 metri non sembravano affatto infastiditi dalla nostra presenza e diverse volte per catturare le loro prede si sono avvicinati anche a meno di 15 metri da noi. Tra gli altri abbiamo osservato anche diversi individui di Corvo imperiale, specie che in genere incontriamo lungo i versanti del Massiccio del Raparo.

The only negative of the whole day was the discovery of divervi dead animals along the road, including a pair of owls as well as hedgehogs, foxes and martens. Unfortunately, the impact with the car because every night dozens of victims all over the park, representing a serious concern for the conservation of biodiversity of the park.

In The Army And Got A Dui

Birdwatching sulla Murgia of San Lorenzo - National Park Appennino Lucano

Taking advantage of these sunny days of late summer, the CSN Nyctalus organized a short afternoon walk in one of the most beautiful of National Park Appennino Lucano , namely SIC Murgia San Lorenzo.

Despite the hot day, a pleasant breeze blew on the hill that took us all afternoon. The landscape is very beautiful and also the road that leads us in Matine Location is very suggestive. SS 598 from the expressway, it follows the river for several kilometers Racanelli, then climb the steep hill leading to the Murgia, surrounded by cultivated fields, orchards and olive groves. The margins of the road are covered by a thick forest and huge oak trees. On top of the hill we are fascinated by that repsira in the woods of the title, a beautiful specimens Cerreta with more than twenty meters high. The forest is crossed only in part and in no time we are thrown in the wide plateau of the Murgia of St. Lawrence. Once there, we parked the car and tried a good place to lurk. The trip allowed us to observe numerous species of birds, especially sparrows, but the ones most all have captured our attention were some of the Raptors.

obviously just arrived wheeling over our heads we saw a Red Kite and a buzzard. But the most pleasant surprise was seeing a bunch of Kestrels who hunted undisturbed in a field of alfalfa.
What was very interesting and allowed us to enjoy the flight and hunting techniques of these hawks.

I Gheppi nonostante ci trovassimo a meno di 30 metri non sembravano affatto infastiditi dalla nostra presenza e diverse volte per catturare le loro prede si sono avvicinati anche a meno di 15 metri da noi. Tra gli altri abbiamo osservato anche diversi individui di Corvo imperiale, specie che in genere incontriamo lungo i versanti del Massiccio del Raparo.

The only negative of the whole day was the discovery of divervi dead animals along the road, including a pair of owls as well as hedgehogs, foxes and martens. Unfortunately, the impact with the car because every night dozens of victims all over the park, representing a serious concern for the conservation of biodiversity of the park.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Used Fleeceworks Half Pad For Sale


Once again we are forced to talk about gadgets and other tricks that people use regularly to ward off wildlife from their gardens , especially wild boar.

in recent years in fashion a device very annoying, and useless which caused many complaints, as jeopardizes not only the fauna but also to residents and tourists of the park.

The device in question is a kind of compressed-air gun that simulates the firing of a gun. The rap is very similar to that of a firearm and there is clearly also a kilometer away. This type of devices within the Park and even more near the villages are completely outside the law, in fact:

  • these devices give off a continuous beep, every 5 - 10 minutes (less) 24 hours on 24; Rap and suddenly is heard distinctly in the range of over 1000 meters. In some cases these devices are located near population centers, and therefore adversely affect the sleep and rest of residents and tourists visiting the protected area, thus violating the regulations on noise (DPCM 01.03.1991, under Law No 447/95 and subsequent amendments).
  • And yet such systems are not in line with environmental protection policies that apply within the protected area, in this case Art. 3 - Attachment A (provided by art. 1, paragraph 5) of Presidential Decree 12.8.2007 (OJ No. 55 of 03.05.2008), states the following: are prohibited throughout the National Park Appennino Lucano - Val d'Agri-Lagonegrese, the following activities': a) the capture, killing, damage and disturbance of the animal species except as performed for the purposes of research and study prior authorization of the Park.

So we hope that the Park Authority put in place as soon as necessary and are responsible for the removal of these devices.

Used Fleeceworks Half Pad For Sale


Once again we are forced to talk about gadgets and other tricks that people use regularly to ward off wildlife from their gardens , especially wild boar.

in recent years in fashion a device very annoying, and useless which caused many complaints, as jeopardizes not only the fauna but also to residents and tourists of the park.

The device in question is a kind of compressed-air gun that simulates the firing of a gun. The rap is very similar to that of a firearm and there is clearly also a kilometer away. This type of devices within the Park and even more near the villages are completely outside the law, in fact:

  • these devices give off a continuous beep, every 5 - 10 minutes (less) 24 hours on 24; Rap and suddenly is heard distinctly in the range of over 1000 meters. In some cases these devices are located near population centers, and therefore adversely affect the sleep and rest of residents and tourists visiting the protected area, thus violating the regulations on noise (DPCM 01.03.1991, under Law No 447/95 and subsequent amendments).
  • And yet such systems are not in line with environmental protection policies that apply within the protected area, in this case Art. 3 - Attachment A (provided by art. 1, paragraph 5) of Presidential Decree 12.8.2007 (OJ No. 55 of 03.05.2008), states the following: are prohibited throughout the National Park Appennino Lucano - Val d'Agri-Lagonegrese, the following activities': a) the capture, killing, damage and disturbance of the animal species except as performed for the purposes of research and study prior authorization of the Park.

So we hope that the Park Authority put in place as soon as necessary and are responsible for the removal of these devices.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who Has The Biggest Tits In Japan

Litaniae sancti Joseph

Who Has The Biggest Tits In Japan

Litaniae sancti Joseph

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maalox Side Effects Black Stool

Nobody dies alone

Maalox Side Effects Black Stool

Nobody dies alone

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sewing Patterns And Christening

With Eni does not add up ...

Photo OLA - www.olambientalista.it

As was already happened in the past, a few days ago, the State Forestry Department has seized some areas near Mount Volturino.
In the days between 2 and 5 August, on a measure of the judicial power of the July 26, 2010, the State Forestry Department has put the seal in two places known respectively Bosco Autiero along the road to Calvello and Water Abbot, in the territory of the town of Calvello.
Both sites are located near facilities Eni. Autiero Bosco is located near the ' pipeline link ENI between the wells CF1 CF2 - CF1 dorsal Volturino and from the well. While the water source Abbot is just a few hundred meters from the Well ENI Cerro Falcone 2. Trace amounts of oily substances in soil and water feed the suspicion that the oil extraction in these locations is causing obvious damage to the land and groundwater, and then the same catchment area. Do not forget that the water from the mountains of provenance Volturino, Serra di Calvello, etc. goes into both the Agri river, and then the dam Pertusillo, that the river and its Camastra the nvaso artificial aqueduct that serves the power.

water for the local abbot, had already reported pollution incidents in recent years, so that in 2008 the source had been seized and the use of its waters was been banned due to chemical and biological pollution. This means that in recent years has not been done, namely the situation of pollution has been that, without that you have cleared the causes of instability.

Now we wonder, with these new surveys will be able to go back alle cause e ai colpevoli di questa situazione? E soprattutto si procederà alla bonifica di queste aree tra le più importanti del Parco Nazionale Appennino Lucano?

La OLA a tal proposito si dice sconcertata dalla vicenda:

Un fatto questo che desta più di qualche sconcerto dal momento che i nuovi sequestri confermerebbero – così come da più tempo ribadito da varie organizzazioni, associazioni e cittadini - il perdurare ed anzi l’aggravamento di una situazione di rischio e pericolo per cose, persone e maestranze di cui nessun ente territoriale competente ha chiarito. Così come è stupefacente il silenzio dell’ENI su una vicenda che evidenzierebbe quanto meno omissioni e inperizie e che invece si vuole rimanga nel silenzio più totale. La Ola chiede che sull’area intervengano gli organi centrali di polizia mineraria dell’UNMIG di quelli del nucleo inquinamento del Corpo Forestale dello Stato e dell’APAT (non ci sentiamo garantiti in questo momento dai vertici dell’ARPAB) and that the National Park Appennino Lucano commission a study aiming to determine possible impairment of the aquifers of the mountain ridge of Serra-Volutirino Calvello-Madonna of Viggiano, which is involved in an intense oil activity that endangers not only the health of citizens but also the delicate ecosystems of the national park (olambientalista.it)

Sewing Patterns And Christening

With Eni does not add up ...

Photo OLA - www.olambientalista.it

As was already happened in the past, a few days ago, the State Forestry Department has seized some areas near Mount Volturino.
In the days between 2 and 5 August, on a measure of the judicial power of the July 26, 2010, the State Forestry Department has put the seal in two places known respectively Bosco Autiero along the road to Calvello and Water Abbot, in the territory of the town of Calvello.
Both sites are located near facilities Eni. Autiero Bosco is located near the ' pipeline link ENI between the wells CF1 CF2 - CF1 dorsal Volturino and from the well. While the water source Abbot is just a few hundred meters from the Well ENI Cerro Falcone 2. Trace amounts of oily substances in soil and water feed the suspicion that the oil extraction in these locations is causing obvious damage to the land and groundwater, and then the same catchment area. Do not forget that the water from the mountains of provenance Volturino, Serra di Calvello, etc. goes into both the Agri river, and then the dam Pertusillo, that the river and its Camastra the nvaso artificial aqueduct that serves the power.

water for the local abbot, had already reported pollution incidents in recent years, so that in 2008 the source had been seized and the use of its waters was been banned due to chemical and biological pollution. This means that in recent years has not been done, namely the situation of pollution has been that, without that you have cleared the causes of instability.

Now we wonder, with these new surveys will be able to go back alle cause e ai colpevoli di questa situazione? E soprattutto si procederà alla bonifica di queste aree tra le più importanti del Parco Nazionale Appennino Lucano?

La OLA a tal proposito si dice sconcertata dalla vicenda:

Un fatto questo che desta più di qualche sconcerto dal momento che i nuovi sequestri confermerebbero – così come da più tempo ribadito da varie organizzazioni, associazioni e cittadini - il perdurare ed anzi l’aggravamento di una situazione di rischio e pericolo per cose, persone e maestranze di cui nessun ente territoriale competente ha chiarito. Così come è stupefacente il silenzio dell’ENI su una vicenda che evidenzierebbe quanto meno omissioni e inperizie e che invece si vuole rimanga nel silenzio più totale. La Ola chiede che sull’area intervengano gli organi centrali di polizia mineraria dell’UNMIG di quelli del nucleo inquinamento del Corpo Forestale dello Stato e dell’APAT (non ci sentiamo garantiti in questo momento dai vertici dell’ARPAB) and that the National Park Appennino Lucano commission a study aiming to determine possible impairment of the aquifers of the mountain ridge of Serra-Volutirino Calvello-Madonna of Viggiano, which is involved in an intense oil activity that endangers not only the health of citizens but also the delicate ecosystems of the national park (olambientalista.it)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Doe Measles Look Like

Aqva devotes an article to the Green Heart of Lucania

After numerous articles in magazines and on websites such as Bell'Italia GreenMe, Trekking & Outdoor, Focus, etc.. also on sale in July we found someone who speaks to us. He does AQVA , magazine that deals with environment, nature and eco-friendly lifestyles.

The report proposed by AQVA, signed by Massimo Piacentino, are devoted seven pages to the park, which speaks of the valleys, villages and places of the area . In particular, it focuses sull' ospitalità , sulla biodiversità e sulla possibilità di fare molteplici attività outdoor all'interno dell'area protetta. Insomma tutto sommato un invito a visitare l'area protetta più giovane d'Italia.

Questo a dimostrazione del fatto che la val d'Agri, affascina, crea interesse, per le sue bellezze, per i suoi controsensi e forse anche e soprattutto per il fatto che questo scorcio di lucania si conosce ancora molto poco. Di certo parte di questo nuovo interesse è da attribuire anche al recente film di Rocco Papaleo , Basilicata Coast to Coast , which devotes several scenes, just the national park, is never even mentioned.

However, with mid-August at the door, the newly created Park is facing his first real holiday season and in a few weeks you will pull the money of a season that some tour operators have already said a lot.
Many of the workers in the tourism sector, they expected great things this summer, compared with a major advertising campaign made by the Park during the winter and spring. But certainly not done in a few months miracoli, così che l'ente parco, gli amministratori locali e gli operatori turistici avranno ancora moltissimo da lavorare. Soprattutto nell'ottica dei servizi e della fruibilità dell'area protetta.

Doe Measles Look Like

Aqva devotes an article to the Green Heart of Lucania

After numerous articles in magazines and on websites such as Bell'Italia GreenMe, Trekking & Outdoor, Focus, etc.. also on sale in July we found someone who speaks to us. He does AQVA , magazine that deals with environment, nature and eco-friendly lifestyles.

The report proposed by AQVA, signed by Massimo Piacentino, are devoted seven pages to the park, which speaks of the valleys, villages and places of the area . In particular, it focuses sull' ospitalità , sulla biodiversità e sulla possibilità di fare molteplici attività outdoor all'interno dell'area protetta. Insomma tutto sommato un invito a visitare l'area protetta più giovane d'Italia.

Questo a dimostrazione del fatto che la val d'Agri, affascina, crea interesse, per le sue bellezze, per i suoi controsensi e forse anche e soprattutto per il fatto che questo scorcio di lucania si conosce ancora molto poco. Di certo parte di questo nuovo interesse è da attribuire anche al recente film di Rocco Papaleo , Basilicata Coast to Coast , which devotes several scenes, just the national park, is never even mentioned.

However, with mid-August at the door, the newly created Park is facing his first real holiday season and in a few weeks you will pull the money of a season that some tour operators have already said a lot.
Many of the workers in the tourism sector, they expected great things this summer, compared with a major advertising campaign made by the Park during the winter and spring. But certainly not done in a few months miracoli, così che l'ente parco, gli amministratori locali e gli operatori turistici avranno ancora moltissimo da lavorare. Soprattutto nell'ottica dei servizi e della fruibilità dell'area protetta.

Comments Titanware Cookware

Hiking in the Heart of the National Park Appennino Lucano

Comments Titanware Cookware

Hiking in the Heart of the National Park Appennino Lucano

Tdi For Maternity Leave Rhode Island

San Martino Estate 2010

Sunday, August 8
Plebiscite Square,
Heineken Party hours 21.00
Live Concert - The Mirror

Wednesday August 18
Piane Raparelli
Dance Party
Open Bar

Thursday and Friday, August 19 to 20
Feast of Our Lady of the Crag SS

Live concert
Aleandro Baldi
August 20 hours 21.00
Square Cuitura

Tdi For Maternity Leave Rhode Island

San Martino Estate 2010

Sunday, August 8
Plebiscite Square,
Heineken Party hours 21.00
Live Concert - The Mirror

Wednesday August 18
Piane Raparelli
Dance Party
Open Bar

Thursday and Friday, August 19 to 20
Feast of Our Lady of the Crag SS

Live concert
Aleandro Baldi
August 20 hours 21.00
Square Cuitura

Peter The Rabbit Wallpaper

events and appointments in the Park Appennino Lucano

The young Park Appennino Lucano, faces his first summer with the right look. By partnering with associations and local governments, the National Park Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese offers visitors a rich calendar of meetings and events, ranging from culture to entertainment.

Peter The Rabbit Wallpaper

events and appointments in the Park Appennino Lucano

The young Park Appennino Lucano, faces his first summer with the right look. By partnering with associations and local governments, the National Park Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese offers visitors a rich calendar of meetings and events, ranging from culture to entertainment.