Taking advantage of these sunny days of late summer, the CSN Nyctalus organized a short afternoon walk in one of the most beautiful of National Park Appennino Lucano , namely SIC Murgia San Lorenzo.
Despite the hot day, a pleasant breeze blew on the hill that took us all afternoon. The landscape is very beautiful and also the road that leads us in Matine Location is very suggestive. SS 598 from the expressway, it follows the river for several kilometers Racanelli, then climb the steep hill leading to the Murgia, surrounded by cultivated fields, orchards and olive groves. The margins of the road are covered by a thick forest and huge oak trees. On top of the hill we are fascinated by that repsira in the woods of the title, a beautiful specimens Cerreta with more than twenty meters high. The forest is crossed only in part and in no time we are thrown in the wide plateau of the Murgia of St. Lawrence. Once there, we parked the car and tried a good place to lurk. The trip allowed us to observe numerous species of birds, especially sparrows, but the ones most all have captured our attention were some of the Raptors.
obviously just arrived wheeling over our heads we saw a Red Kite and a buzzard. But the most pleasant surprise was seeing a bunch of Kestrels who hunted undisturbed in a field of alfalfa.
What was very interesting and allowed us to enjoy the flight and hunting techniques of these hawks.
I Gheppi nonostante ci trovassimo a meno di 30 metri non sembravano affatto infastiditi dalla nostra presenza e diverse volte per catturare le loro prede si sono avvicinati anche a meno di 15 metri da noi. Tra gli altri abbiamo osservato anche diversi individui di Corvo imperiale, specie che in genere incontriamo lungo i versanti del Massiccio del Raparo.
The only negative of the whole day was the discovery of divervi dead animals along the road, including a pair of owls as well as hedgehogs, foxes and martens. Unfortunately, the impact with the car because every night dozens of victims all over the park, representing a serious concern for the conservation of biodiversity of the park.