Sunday, December 21, 2008

Continuous Dry Throat

The fulfillment of the Law is Christ

Law: a word that evokes obligation, duress, punishment for those who transgress. But the law that God gave to Israel is much more: it is a teaching for life, because the people can remain in covenant with God and thus have life. Jesus, jew, was educated according to the Law of Israel. A law that has lived with love and fidelity, and at the same time was able to understand, and relativizing radicalizing some other aspects. Behind this law, Jesus sees the face of a Father, whose love will. We
We call God by the name of the Father, through Jesus
But the father figure today is in crisis, and must be retrieved in its dignity, because young people can be educated for life.
The topics covered are: 1) The Law of Israel, and 2) Jesus and the Law of Israel, between radicalization and relativization, and 3) the names of God in the Bible and the choice of Jesus, 4) The father now, between crisis and chance of recovery.

(In an interview with Paul Ferliga in the second part)

Via Saul2000 , a Cultural Project della Diocesi di Novara .


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