Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anna Miyashita Spermania

closed terms for the contract logo: welcomed the broad participation.

Saturday, March 20, the deadline for participation in the call for the creation of the logo of the Park Appennino Lucano. Visibly pleased with the Special Commissioner Domenico Totaro: 'The More than 1,200 applications for participation demonstrate the success of the initiative. I am convinced that the road taken is the right one: to build the park with the local people and populations. The real challenge we face is this, create an interchange of ideas and projects to avoid being self-referential. " "At this competition - the Commissioner continues - we are very keen. Being anonymous participation, we can not know where they come from the questions, but we believe that the basin is absolutely national. Promoting it has expanded to major national newspapers, reaching the highest point with the participation of the BIT in Milan, thanks to which our Park has managed to have a Featured on all domestic and international markets. "
"With the deadline to participate is so closes the first part of this competition - said the coordinator of one of the directional Park, the architect Vincenzo Fogliano - now we need to verify the correctness administrative questions and then go to trial on the merits of the work came. To do this we created a panel of media experts and leading representatives of the institutions related to the Park. It will be a delicate process but, given the importance, we will take care in every detail. The coming weeks will be informed of the exact process selection, so that anyone who participated in the competition to know all the details. We believe that transparency is an essential element for citizens to participate in public bodies. " At the end of the selection process finally Lucano Apennine Park will have its logo, which are essential for the promotion of a national park. As the Commissioner Totaro, "The Park's youngest Italy slowly becoming larger. We had said at the beginning of this adventure, we wanted every citizen to contribute to grow this beautiful plant. The logo represents the identity card, as the coming of age. That logo will be Park Appennino Lucano, who will think that logo only to the park. Precisely for this reason I want to thank everyone who participated in the project. We have promoted the initiative in many schools, I hope that the participants there are many students, this is a park that was created for them, for future generations. Environmental protection, monitoring and environmental education, attention to sustainable tourism are issues that affect our and their future. Thanking the boys thank everyone who made sure that this contest will close down with these numbers and with this win. "

Anna Miyashita Spermania

closed terms for the contract logo: welcomed the broad participation.

Saturday, March 20, the deadline for participation in the call for the creation of the logo of the Park Appennino Lucano. Visibly pleased with the Special Commissioner Domenico Totaro: 'The More than 1,200 applications for participation demonstrate the success of the initiative. I am convinced that the road taken is the right one: to build the park with the local people and populations. The real challenge we face is this, create an interchange of ideas and projects to avoid being self-referential. " "At this competition - the Commissioner continues - we are very keen. Being anonymous participation, we can not know where they come from the questions, but we believe that the basin is absolutely national. Promoting it has expanded to major national newspapers, reaching the highest point with the participation of the BIT in Milan, thanks to which our Park has managed to have a Featured on all domestic and international markets. "
"With the deadline to participate is so closes the first part of this competition - said the coordinator of one of the directional Park, the architect Vincenzo Fogliano - now we need to verify the correctness administrative questions and then go to trial on the merits of the work came. To do this we created a panel of media experts and leading representatives of the institutions related to the Park. It will be a delicate process but, given the importance, we will take care in every detail. The coming weeks will be informed of the exact process selection, so that anyone who participated in the competition to know all the details. We believe that transparency is an essential element for citizens to participate in public bodies. " At the end of the selection process finally Lucano Apennine Park will have its logo, which are essential for the promotion of a national park. As the Commissioner Totaro, "The Park's youngest Italy slowly becoming larger. We had said at the beginning of this adventure, we wanted every citizen to contribute to grow this beautiful plant. The logo represents the identity card, as the coming of age. That logo will be Park Appennino Lucano, who will think that logo only to the park. Precisely for this reason I want to thank everyone who participated in the project. We have promoted the initiative in many schools, I hope that the participants there are many students, this is a park that was created for them, for future generations. Environmental protection, monitoring and environmental education, attention to sustainable tourism are issues that affect our and their future. Thanking the boys thank everyone who made sure that this contest will close down with these numbers and with this win. "

Monday, March 22, 2010

Memory Card Stuck In Samsung Camera


Today we officially opened the season reuperi. The first guest of 2010 is a nice mammal, an extremely rare species classified as threatened, the IUCN Red List.

dormouse ( Muscardinus avellanarius) is a relative of which is a bit like dormice. E ' a rodent that lives mainly in Europa e in Asia Minore . Ad una prima ispezione sembra in buono stato. Un pò spaventato ma in salute. Soltanto la coda appare mozzata, forse a causa dell'aggressione di un altro animale oppure per effetto del taglio dell'albero nel quale dormiva. Questo esemplare è stato trovato infatti nel tronco di un grosso salice. Qualche settimana fa lo stesso era accaduto ad un ghiro, brutalmente sfrattato da causa sua, perchè il cerro nel quale dimorava è stato abbattuto.

Now he is taking steps to fix it in the best way, after which it will be refreshed and pampered until it is reintroduced in the wild.

Memory Card Stuck In Samsung Camera


Today we officially opened the season reuperi. The first guest of 2010 is a nice mammal, an extremely rare species classified as threatened, the IUCN Red List.

dormouse ( Muscardinus avellanarius) is a relative of which is a bit like dormice. E ' a rodent that lives mainly in Europa e in Asia Minore . Ad una prima ispezione sembra in buono stato. Un pò spaventato ma in salute. Soltanto la coda appare mozzata, forse a causa dell'aggressione di un altro animale oppure per effetto del taglio dell'albero nel quale dormiva. Questo esemplare è stato trovato infatti nel tronco di un grosso salice. Qualche settimana fa lo stesso era accaduto ad un ghiro, brutalmente sfrattato da causa sua, perchè il cerro nel quale dimorava è stato abbattuto.

Now he is taking steps to fix it in the best way, after which it will be refreshed and pampered until it is reintroduced in the wild.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Examples Of Monthly Counseling Statements

Park and Multifunctional Agriculture: A single common future.

from certain categories of the agricultural sector continue to get strong chorus of dissent against the National Park Appennino Lucano, this time even accused of having " paralyzed the economy of ' area. " Assertions entirely inappropriate, given the fact that the park is working hard for several months, especially in the promotion and enhancement of the territory. In the most recent initiatives, the Park Authority has given due importance to sectors of food and wine and agriculture. An example of this may just be the official guide of the park, just published, but also the special magazine published by the park Bell'Italia. The park has been operating for a few months and in that short period of time has not deployed any binding action against the traditional agricultural activities, including the cutting of woods, pasture, livestock and crops of various kinds. The Commissioner, Mr. Domenico Totaro, in all appointments and meetings with representatives of the agricultural world has always emphasized the importance of these activities within the park and the surrounding area that certainly can not be ruled out entirely by the policies of promotion and enhancement of the institution. A multifunctional agriculture, which is able to make the rural, rather than the simple agricultural economy, the real field of play and experimentation. In this context, as established by the most recent European policies, is the important task entrusted to the parks to develop and test a new system of agriculture. A system that tends to enhance the agricultural sector as not only the productive in the strict sense, but also and above all the profiles with which modern agriculture is intertwined, namely the countryside, protection of biodiversity, naturalness, landscape use and water consumption, the use of renewable energy .

Park does not pose absolutely no constraint to agriculture which in fact is stimulated to produce not only agricultural products but also quality of environmental goods, thereby also contributing to the maintenance of 'eco-agro-systems and biodiversity.

Examples Of Monthly Counseling Statements

Park and Multifunctional Agriculture: A single common future.

from certain categories of the agricultural sector continue to get strong chorus of dissent against the National Park Appennino Lucano, this time even accused of having " paralyzed the economy of ' area. " Assertions entirely inappropriate, given the fact that the park is working hard for several months, especially in the promotion and enhancement of the territory. In the most recent initiatives, the Park Authority has given due importance to sectors of food and wine and agriculture. An example of this may just be the official guide of the park, just published, but also the special magazine published by the park Bell'Italia. The park has been operating for a few months and in that short period of time has not deployed any binding action against the traditional agricultural activities, including the cutting of woods, pasture, livestock and crops of various kinds. The Commissioner, Mr. Domenico Totaro, in all appointments and meetings with representatives of the agricultural world has always emphasized the importance of these activities within the park and the surrounding area that certainly can not be ruled out entirely by the policies of promotion and enhancement of the institution. A multifunctional agriculture, which is able to make the rural, rather than the simple agricultural economy, the real field of play and experimentation. In this context, as established by the most recent European policies, is the important task entrusted to the parks to develop and test a new system of agriculture. A system that tends to enhance the agricultural sector as not only the productive in the strict sense, but also and above all the profiles with which modern agriculture is intertwined, namely the countryside, protection of biodiversity, naturalness, landscape use and water consumption, the use of renewable energy .

Park does not pose absolutely no constraint to agriculture which in fact is stimulated to produce not only agricultural products but also quality of environmental goods, thereby also contributing to the maintenance of 'eco-agro-systems and biodiversity.