Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Letter To Court Confirming Community Services

The rules of the market and those of politics

Il pensiero pressoché unico che si sta diffondendo, in questi giorni di turbolenze finanziarie, è che l'attuale crisi sia determinata dalla mancanza di regole . Ma di quali regole stiamo parlando?
Vale la pena forse di ricordare che i mercati (i luoghi dei trasferimenti volontari di beni e/o servizi), tutti i mercati, hanno le loro proprie regole. I mercati erano regolati , e a volte con minuziose codifiche, già prima della nascita degli stati, come dimostra l'esistenza in epoca medievale della lex mercatoria , vero e proprio corpus giuridico capace di governare il commercio nell'intera Europa.
Per comprendere le radici dei dissesti finanziari attuali, conviene allora cambiare point of view, and begin to look at this: the current crisis does not stem from lack of rules (policies), but by rule violation (market).
The facts are these: for decades the political institutions (states) and economic institutions (central banks), in the best ways favorable to violation of the rules of the market by economic actors, in the worst (and most frequent) cases themselves knowingly violate the most elementary rules of the market and, with their economic and monetary policies, accelerate, aggravate and potentially make more dramatic the natural "crisis" of the market (the market, as every human order, is subject to cyclical trends and critical moments).
If the bank fails because X has paid their money badly, we are part of a natural market crisis, with limited and circumscribed consequences (of course also dramatic for a number of individuals and families). If you fail for the same reason, the bank X, Y, Z, and word spread that the K is not in great health, this means that an entire system has taken an absurd degree of risk, relying on a flood of liquidity that is no longer in any real value. If
to stop the panic call for more political rules, was forced to nationalize the banks, and to enter other artificial liquidity in the system, one is inevitably part of the vicious circle: you choose to provide to other toxic drugs, frightened by his withdrawal symptoms.
Can we trust the opinion of Antonio Martino : the current one is not, for now, the crisis of '29, around and there are already too many gravediggers of capitalism "and" Western civilization " , to stage their macabre dances.
But anyway, happy is he who has invested in gold. O earth: how to teach the "guardian" in these parts, "who has a piece of land, does not die of hunger."

Letter To Court Confirming Community Services

The rules of the market and those of politics

Il pensiero pressoché unico che si sta diffondendo, in questi giorni di turbolenze finanziarie, è che l'attuale crisi sia determinata dalla mancanza di regole . Ma di quali regole stiamo parlando?
Vale la pena forse di ricordare che i mercati (i luoghi dei trasferimenti volontari di beni e/o servizi), tutti i mercati, hanno le loro proprie regole. I mercati erano regolati , e a volte con minuziose codifiche, già prima della nascita degli stati, come dimostra l'esistenza in epoca medievale della lex mercatoria , vero e proprio corpus giuridico capace di governare il commercio nell'intera Europa.
Per comprendere le radici dei dissesti finanziari attuali, conviene allora cambiare point of view, and begin to look at this: the current crisis does not stem from lack of rules (policies), but by rule violation (market).
The facts are these: for decades the political institutions (states) and economic institutions (central banks), in the best ways favorable to violation of the rules of the market by economic actors, in the worst (and most frequent) cases themselves knowingly violate the most elementary rules of the market and, with their economic and monetary policies, accelerate, aggravate and potentially make more dramatic the natural "crisis" of the market (the market, as every human order, is subject to cyclical trends and critical moments).
If the bank fails because X has paid their money badly, we are part of a natural market crisis, with limited and circumscribed consequences (of course also dramatic for a number of individuals and families). If you fail for the same reason, the bank X, Y, Z, and word spread that the K is not in great health, this means that an entire system has taken an absurd degree of risk, relying on a flood of liquidity that is no longer in any real value. If
to stop the panic call for more political rules, was forced to nationalize the banks, and to enter other artificial liquidity in the system, one is inevitably part of the vicious circle: you choose to provide to other toxic drugs, frightened by his withdrawal symptoms.
Can we trust the opinion of Antonio Martino : the current one is not, for now, the crisis of '29, around and there are already too many gravediggers of capitalism "and" Western civilization " , to stage their macabre dances.
But anyway, happy is he who has invested in gold. O earth: how to teach the "guardian" in these parts, "who has a piece of land, does not die of hunger."